Easter nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees

Easter tsoos thiab kev lis kev cai hauv teb chaws Yelemees

Easter yog ib lub hnub so uas nyiam tshaj plaws nyob hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees. Tom qab ib ntev, txias German lub caij ntuj no thiab qhov ib ntus nyem ntawm Karneval , Easter tos txais lub caij nplooj ntoos zeeg eagerly lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav .

Neeg As Mes Lis Kas thiab lwm cov neeg Westerners yuav xav tsis thoob tias muaj pes tsawg tus kab lig kev cai los ntawm German culture. Tshawb xyuas seb yuav ua li cas thiaj yuav tau ua koob tsheej nco txog hnub Easter hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees nrog Easter tshaj plaws.

German Easter tsoos

Ib yam li Christmas , muaj ntau ntau yam kev coj noj coj ua nyob thoob qab ntuj uas hauv paus hauv Yelemes.

Nyob rau hauv lub lim tiam ua ntej Easter, lub teb chaws Yelemees tau npaj txhij rau ib lub caij tshiab. Koj yuav pom cov paj ntoo thaum caij nplooj ntoos zeeg thiab cov tshuaj ostereierbaum (Easter cov ntoo) thiab cov ceg pom tshwm hauv cov khw muag khoom noj thiab cov khw muag paj.

German Easter Tsob Ntoo

Yuav ua li cas yog Easter Tsob Ntoo, tej zaum koj yuav nug? Twigs thiab ceg ntoo los yog ib qho tshwj xeeb uas tsim Easter ntoo muaj nyob rau hauv tsev rau Easter, tsis nrog cov xim uas muaj xim zoo nkauj.

Ceg tuaj muag ntawm txhua florist hauv lub nroog, nrog rau nres rau ntawm U thiab S-Bahn , thiab tsuas yog tus nqi 1.50 - 5 euro nyob ntawm seb hom ntoo. Cov qe ntawm txhua theem ntawm qhov zoo kuj tuaj yeem pom. Los ntawm neon yas rau tsoos Sorbian qe.

Yog tias koj mus rau kev mus ncig, mus xyuas Easter ntoo hauv Saalfeld .Cov neeg ntawm qe adorn ib tsob ntoo hauv lub vaj zaub Volker Kraft thiab kwv yees li ntawm 8,000 tus neeg tuaj nrhiav kev xav.

German Easter Cov Qe

Qe yog ib qho tseem ceeb hauv kev ua koob tsheej Easter uas yog lub cim ntawm lub neej tshiab.

Nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees, lub qe yog feem ntau tseem xuas tshuab thiab ua kom zoo nkauj. Qe tau los ntawm cov khoom siv xws li tshuaj yej, keeb kwm, thiab cov txuj lom. Hais tias, niaj hnub nim no muaj kev cuam tshuam thiab koj tuaj yeem yuav cov khoom siv qe tuag lossis qaim, pre-dyed qe hauv khw.

Yog tias koj xav pom cov qe kom zoo nkauj, mus ntsib ib tug Sorbian Easter Egg Market nyob rau sab hnub tuaj Yelemees .

Ntawm no, cov neeg nyob rau hauv cov tsoos tsho zoo li meticulously tes-blown thiab pleev xim muag rau hauv ib qho array of designs.

German Easter Bunny

Tom ntej no mus rau Easter qe, tus luav yog feem ntau Easter icon. Easter luav, symbolizing fertility, thawj zaug tau hais nyob rau hauv German sau nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua 16th. Lub luav tau ces imported mus rau Tebchaws Asmeskas los ntawm Pennsylvania Dutch settlers, uas yog hu ua oschter haws (Easter Hare).

Kwv yees li ntawm 1800, thawj cov khoom qab zib Easter bunnies tau ua nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees. Thiab cia li nyiam cov txiv neej tiag taw, lawv tau hloov.

German Easter Chocolates

Yeej muaj ib lub sijhawm rau noj chocolates hauv Yelemees, tab sis Easter yeej pib ua qhov no rau overdrive.

Ntawm cov kev khomob ntau ntawm kev tuaj yeem, kinder uberraschung (kinder surprise) yog ib txoj kev nyiam thiab kev coj ua tseem ceeb ntawm kev sib txawv ntawm Easter - txawm yog lub tuam txhab keeb kwm nyob rau hauv Ltalis. Txawm tias tsis yog raws li kev cai lij choj nyob rau hauv teb chaws USA) txawm tias koj tuaj yeem yooj yim nrhiav tau lwm yam kev pabcuam ntawm kev ua lag luam thiab lwm yam chocolates), koj yuav pom lawv qhov txhia chaw nyob hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees.

German Easter Tug Ciav Hlau

Osterbrunnen (Easter Fountains) yog lwm qhov yeeb koob ntawm Easter hauv Yelemees. Cov pej xeem pej xeem muaj nyob rau hauv pob zeb ntawm cov ntoo thiab cov yeeb yuj Easter.

Lawv feem ntau tshwm sim hauv lub Tebchaws Yelemees - Keeb Kwm Yelemees , zoo li Bieberbach.

Lawv cov dej tau yeej Guinness World Records thiab kos tshaj 30,000 ncig teb ncig ncig Easter.

Qhuas Easter hauv Tebchaws Yelemees

Yog tias koj siv lub Easter hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees, cim cov lus ob lo lus no: Frohe Ostern (hais lus: FRO-Huh OS-tern) - Zoo siab Easter! Qhov no yog hais tawm txhua qhov los ntawm cov kev sib tham xws li tom khw muag khoom noj rau cov phooj ywg thiab tsev neeg.

Good Friday
Lub Easter weekend nyob hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees pib nrog ib tug nyob ntsiag to Zoo Friday ( Karfreitag ). Ntau tsev neeg noj ntses ua lawv cov kev noj haus zoo rau hnub Friday ua ntej noj mov ua ke ob hnub ua ke.

Easter hnub Saturday
Easter hnub Saturday yog ib hnub zoo rau koj tuaj saib Easter lub lag luam uas koj tuaj yeem xauj rau Easter qe, ua daim Easter kom zoo nkauj, thiab kev ua yeeb yam hauv zos. Nres los ntawm ib tug German bakery rau ib tug tshwj xeeb Easter kho zoo li ib tug Sweet khoom qab zib nyob rau hauv cov duab ntawm ib tug Lamb.

Nyob rau hnub Saturday yav tsaus ntuj, cov cheeb tsam nyob rau sab qaum teb ntawm lub tebchaws Yelemes yuav pom Easter bonfires, caum cov dab tsaus ntuj ntawm lub caij ntuj no thiab txais tos lub caij sov .

Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday yog lub ntsiab ntawm lub hnub so nyiaj so koobtsheej. Thaum sawv ntxov ntxov, cov niam txiv nkaum daim khob uas muaj cov xim kob, hnoos kaub puab, khob cij chocolate, khoom qab zib (zoo li Kinder Surprise), thiab me ntsis khoom rau cov me nyuam. Muaj ntau yim neeg tuaj koom Easter cov kev pab cuam, tom qab ntawd Easter noj su, yaj, qos yaj ywm, thiab zaub tshiab.

Easter hnub Monday

Nov yog lwm hnub hauv lub ntsiag to. Rau qee qhov, nws yog cim nrog kev ncig tebchaws rov qab los ntawm hnub so. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau lub teb chaws kom cia siab tias yuav qhib cov chaw ua hauj lwm thiab cov khw muag khoom.

Cov tswv yim mus ncig rau Easter hauv lub teb chaws Yelemees

Germans muaj hmoo heev txaus siab rau Easter weekend ntev heev. Los ntawm Good Friday rau hnub Easter txhua hnub yog kaw los ntawm khw, txhab nyiaj, thiab chaw ua hauj lwm. Qhov kos yog hnub Saturday thaum txhua yam qhib xws li ib txwm, tab sis ua zoo xav tias cov khw muag khoom noj khoom haus hauv particular yuav tsum muaj kev sib tham nrog tib neeg.

Cov tsheb ciav hlau thiab cov tsheb npav ua haujlwm tsuas muaj caij nyoog rau cov hnub caiv caij nyoog xwb thiab feem ntau nrog cov neeg mus ncig ua si lossis mus tsev neeg.

Cov hnub so hauv tsev kawm ntawv kuj sib koom nrog hnub so Easter. Lawv feem ntau yog ob lub lis piam nyob ib ncig ntawm lub hnub Easter. Cia siab tias cov menyuam thiab lawv tsev neeg npaj mus ncig lub sijhawm no. Nco ntsoov tias cov chaw ntiav pw, cov tsev txawb, txoj kev tsheb thiab cov tsheb ciav hlau yuav muaj neeg coob heev, thiab ua rau koj qhov chaw ntxov ntxov.

Cov Hnub rau Easter hauv Yelemees

2018 : Lub Peb Hlis 29 - Plaub Hlis 2nd

2019 : Plaub Hlis 19 - Plaub Hlis 22nd