Arizona Science Centre / Cuab yeej cuab tam Square Daim Ntawv Qhia thiab Cov Lus Qhia

Arizona Science Center yog ib lub tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm keeb kwm tshawb fawb nrog kev sib tham sib qhia, lub ntiaj chaw, thiab kev ua yeeb yam hauv IMAX hauv plawv nroog Phoenix. Nws nyob rau ntawm Heritage thiab Science Park nrog Rosson tsev Museum, Phoenix Museum of History, thiab ntau lub khw nojmov.

Chaw nyob
600 E. Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85004

Xov tooj

GPS 33.448674, -112.066671

Heritage Square ntawm Heritage thiab Science Park yog nyob hauv plawv nroog Phoenix.

Nws yog qhov chaw ntawm Arizona Science Centre, Cov Chaw Tawm Tsam Zaj Hnub Tim, Phoenix Museum of History, thiab ntau lub khw. Nws yog nyob hauv kev taug kev deb ntawm Chase Field , Tham Hauv Chaw Sib Thoob (thaj tsam hu ua US Airways Center), Phoenix Convention Center , CityScape , thiab lwm yam lag luam hauv nroog thiab ncig tebchaws. Kev nkag mus rau ntawm qhov chaw nres tsheb npav yog nyob rau sab qab teb ntawm Monroe Street ntawm 5th Street (sab hnub tuaj ntawm sab hnub tuaj). Ob peb festivals muaj nyob rau ntawm Historic Heritage Square txhua xyoo. Nws yog ib qhov chaw nrov kom muaj ib lub tshoob!

Chaw nyob
113 N. Sixth Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Xov tooj

GPS 33.450199, -112.065925

Chaw nres tsheb
Cov cuab yeej cuab tam cov cuab yeej cuab tam thiab Science Park yog nyob rau sab hnub tuaj ntawm 5 thiab Monroe. Cov chaw nres tsheb yog luv nqi thaum koj lees paub koj daim pib ntawm Lub Chaw Lis Haujlwm Cov Ntaub Ntawv Xov Xwm. Yog tsis muaj chaw nres tsheb, muaj ntau qhov chaw nres tsheb npav sab nrauv hauv Phoenix, tab sis tej zaum koj yuav tsis tau txais luv nqi.

Tsav Tsheb
Los ntawm Southeast: Siv 1-10 hnub poob sab hnub poob mus rau Washington tawm. Tig sab laug (sab hnub poob) hauv Washington mus rau txoj kev 5th Street. Lem sab xis (sab qaum teb) ntawm txoj kev 5th Street. Tig sab laug (sab hnub poob) rau ntawm Monroe St. nkag mus rau qhov chaw nres tsheb.

Los ntawm West: Siv I-10 sab hnub tuaj mus rau txoj kev 7th Street. Lem sab xis (sab qab teb) mus Monroe Street.

Txoj cai (sab hnub poob) mus rau txoj kev 5 txoj kev tsheb.

Ntawm Northwest: Noj I-17 sab qab teb mus rau I-10 sab hnub tuaj mus rau txoj kev 7th Street. Lem sab xis (sab qab teb) mus rau Monroe. Txoj cai (sab hnub poob) rau Monroe.

Los ntawm Nres Northeast: Siv Lub Xeev Route 51 (SR51) mus rau I-10 sab hnub tuaj. Tawm hauv Washington Street thiab lem sab xis (sab hnub poob). Mus rau txoj kev 5th thiab lem sab xis.

Los ntawm Scottsdale los sis East Mesa: Siv Loop 202 sab hnub poob mus rau I-10. Tawm kev 7th Street thiab lem sab laug. Lub taub hau sab qab teb rau 7th Street mus Monroe. Lem sab xis (sab hnub poob) rau ntawm txoj kev Monroe.

Los ntawm Valley Metro Rail
Siv 3rd Street / Washington lossis 3rd Street / Jefferson chaw nres tsheb. Qhov no yog qhov chaw tos tsheb loj , yog li qhov chaw nres tsheb nyob ntawm seb koj yuav mus rau qhov twg. Ntawm no yog daim duab qhia txog Valley Metro tsheb ciav hlau.

Lub sijhawm twg yog qhov twg?
Pom tsav tsheb lub sij hawm thiab kev mus los ntawm ntau ntau Phoenix lub zos thiab cov zos rau Phoenix.

Hauv Daim Qhia

Yog xav pom cov duab hauv daim ntawv qhia saum toj no loj, tsuas ntuas nce qhov font loj ntawm koj qhov screen. Yog tias koj siv lub PC, tus yuam sij rau peb yog Ctrl + (Ctrl Key thiab qhov kos npe ntxiv). Ntawm MAC, nws yog Command +.

Koj tuaj yeem pom qhov chaw no cim rau ntawm Google daim ntawv qhia. Ntawm qhov chaw koj tuaj yeem zoom rau thiab tawm, tsav tsheb qhia yog tias koj xav tau ntau tshaj li qhov tau hais los saum toj no, thiab saib dab tsi ntxiv nyob ze.